Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 18 - A Song in Time



River Song ProfileBesides the Doctor, perhaps no other "Doctor Who" character is as "timey-whimey" as his wife - Dr. River Song (Alex Kingston). Jessica and Phillip try to make sense of her life and times by watching all her episode appearances in the order of her personal chronology and ask ... does it make sense? From baby Melody Pond to regenerated Mel to the River Song we all know (and love!), how does the trial and tribulations of this psychopath assassin become the great love of the Doctor?In their look in the TARDIS library, the couple visit the First Doctor (William Hartnell) as he falls in love and becomes engaged to Cameca (Margot Van der Burgh) in the early serial "The Aztecs."What is your favorite River Song moment? #spoilers