Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 77 - Starting Again for the First Time



First Time Doctoring - Series 1/Ninth DoctorJessica and Phillip are proud to convert people to becoming Whovians. One of those "convertees" is Char who just finished watching Christopher Eccelston's series of "Doctor Who." What does she think of the Ninth Doctor? What does Captain Jack do for her? What are her favorite episodes? What was it like meeting a Dalek for the first time? And how was it going thru her first regeneration? Join us for a new fan's reactions and let us know your favorite Ninth Doctor moment.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit the Third Doctor serial "The Daemons." As they continue their first time watch of Jon Pertwee's turn as the Doctor, they talk about The Master being in ALL THE episodes, their enjoyment of Jo Grant, and how effective UNIT seems (or doesn't seem).