Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 83 - The Holy Grail of Avalon



Writing a Ninth Doctor Christmas SpecialThe Eccleston Era of Doctor Who gave us many things - but not a Christmas special. Jessica and Phillip write on the spot what a Ninth Doctor Christmas special would look like, featuring Rose, Captain Jack, and some new special friends on an Arthurian adventure. The trio land in Avalon, but Rose finds herself spending the Winter Solstice with Morgan le Fey whilst the Doctor and Jack enter Camelot. Both Arthur and Morgan find themselves chasing a mysterious treasure that has foretold - whoever gets there first may have the power to change the world! Will Doctor as Merlin tip the balance of power in King Authur's direction? Or will Rose lead Morgan's acolytes into finding the treasure first? With Captain Jack working his way around the Knights of the Round Table, the treasure may turn out to be something that unites the two factions ... as only a Christmas present can. Let us know what you think of this unique Doctor Who story. Lastly, in their look into the TARDIS library