Ignorance Was Bliss

027 -- Not Normal -- interview with the Voice of the Victim podcast



Most of the time, we can rely on the people around us -- family, friends, coworkers -- to help remind us what "normal" mostly looks like. But what about the times when we're allowed to believe our own hype? ...especially when our hype is more than a little off-kilter from the start?Check out the Voice of the Victim podcast for the first two parts of this story, when we lay out a more detailed timeline and narrative of the life and crimes of Sheila LaBarre, a particularly dangerous and unkind specimen of humanity. Then listen here to decide, exactly how do we know when normal has gone too far? And if Kenny Countie's mother hadn't intervened as firmly as she did, just how many other victims might she have claimed?   Promos from Killin' It: The Crimecast and Nothing Rhymes With Murder, both of whom just might be joining me at a meetup at the Ten Bells pub in London on Friday, 13 July 2018!!