Ignorance Was Bliss

044 -- All Fizz No Gin -- with Bonnie (Wining About Crime) and Minna (True Crime Finland)



What makes a murderer? Who would possibly sign up to fight for a different country in a war with no personal significance? Just how immature is your host, anyway? These and more are addressed in a crossover involving three different countries, a 70-year-old murder and a botched (but maybe not so botched) execution in Canada.  Bonnie's regular podcast is Wining About Crime, and Minna's is True Crime Finland. Do yourself a favor and go binge them. Now. Maybe twice. Further reading on this case, if so inclined. (Though, no. I did not include a link to the Awful Awful Website. No.) Kallonen, K. (2016). Tähtilippu talvisodassa: Amerikan suomalaisen legioonan tuntematon tarina. Revontuli. https://www.truecrimelibrary.com/crimearticle/william-newell/   http://spacing.ca/toronto/2015/10/28/75-years-ago-silk-stocking-murder/   https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/bill-newell-wanted-to-divorce-aune-for-her-and-her-news-photo/502804495#/elna-lehto-bill-newell-wanted-to-divorce-aune-for-her-and-her-helped-picture