The Wicked Library

TPC 110: "The Swallows of Iga”,  by Aaron Vlek



Our friend Frank Enfield finds himself once again far, far away in exotic lands well beyond his imagining. Beautiful misty valleys and trails winding through the glorious lush green mountains of Iga Province in Japan. The perfect place for a little well deserved R&R.Frank is free to wander those peaceful vales to his little old heart’s content; its trails lined with charming little lanterns and shrines and the inviting roadside hut now and then where our weary traveler might stop and take refreshment and spend a peaceful night, if he dares! Just don’t wander off the trail for any reason at night because these misty vales and valleys are filled with ghosts, and some of them don’t like strangers and your dreams are your only protection!Oh, did I remember to remind Frank that Iga Province is the home of the Ninja and their notorious proclivity for all things mysterious very, very deadly. Well, nothing to worry about THERE, eh kiddies?CreditsAuthor: Aaron Vlek | Editor: Daniel Foytik | Adapted for Audio by Da