Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 38 with Bill Knight: Tribute to Roddy Piper # 1



On this return episode of Creative Control, I am joined by my sometime in the future co host of Wrestling With History, wrestling historian Bill Knight. What else can we talk about after the announcement last Friday other than the untimely passing and legendary career and life of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Not a chance in hell we could cover the man's career in one episode, so I would wager there will be at least two more. We cover Piper vs. The Guerreros, Mid-Atlantic, Georgia and the Gordon Solie Angle, Roddy's arrival and shot at the top in the WWF, working with Hogan and McMahon, working with Orton and Orndorff, MTV, and of course, Wrestlemania I. What was the story between Roddy and Mr. T? Was it legit heat? We go over their bouts together, and look at the subtle and not so subtle interactions. We talk about Roddy's inevitable face turn, smart fans' and their feelings for him, his intuition about when to go and when to stay, protecting the business, and so much more. We only get to about 1987, and there is t