Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 42 with Disco Inferno



Former WCW Television and Cruiserweight Champion Disco Inferno joins Creative Control on our 42nd episode. Disco is also a former member of both the WCW and TNA creative teams, and he isn't shy about expressing his opinions on pro wrestling/sports entertainment today. We actually don't get into too many questions about his in ring career, as we jump right in the WWE's usage of Sting and The Undertaker. and what that says about the business and WWE's ability to get over new talent. We talk about the infamous "wrestling bubble" and how that affects WWE's inability to sometimes see beyond their own faults and mistakes. We go over the effect the "smart crowd" has on the overall presentation today, as well as who is pushed, and how Disco would combat that. We talk about the Monday Night Wars era, how many people were watching wrestling as compared to now, and how wrestling was viewed as "cool" back then, while today, it can sometimes be seen as anything but that. We talk a little about Disco and his work with Vinc