Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 50 pt. 2 with Bill Knight (Wrestlemania Preview)



Bill and i return to discuss the upcoming Wrestlemania card, and to give our predictions. What does the future hold for both Kalisto and Ryback? Who out of the ten women in the Divas tag team match do we see going on to further success in 2016? What would we like to see the future hold for the Dudleys? Who will stand tall in the cluster known as the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal? Will The New Day fly on their unicorns out of Wrestlemania as winners? Is Alberto Del Rio being underutilized? Who do we see winning the IC title Ladder Match, and who is the shocking favorite on the gambling websites? Where will the Divas/Womens Division go in 2016, and will Charlotte leave Mania with her title, or will Sasha be crowned? Will Bayley's possible debut affect the outcome of this match? Has AJ Styles been used correctly, and will Jericho put him over on the biggest stage of them all? What can be done in the Lesnar-Ambrose match to benefit both guys? Should Ambrose come out on top and get the biggest win of his c