Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 53 with Joel Gertner



While editing this podcast, all of us in the wrestling community received bad news, as Balls Mahoney passed away at the age of 44. RIP to Balls, and my condolences to his family and his friends. Joel Gertner returns to Creative Control! "The Quintessential Studmuffin" and I cover a lot in this episode. Joel goes over his managerial influences. He also drops the news that his "Everything But The Wrestling" seminar (which I attended and which helped me with everything I've accomplished so far!) will return this summer. I cannot stress this enough: if you run a promotion or a wrestling school, have Joel in for this seminar. Anyone within earshot will learn more in those few hours than some have their entire careers!We also discuss his infamous promos, as he tries to narrow down a favorite one. We speak about The Dudley Boyz, if Joel was ever scared while managing them due to the Dudleys penchant for creating mayhem, and if he is surprised they are still going strong on WWE programming today. We touch upon a hot