Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 55 with Josh Olsen of "Working Stiff"



Josh Olsen is our guest on Episode 55. Mr. Olsen is the editor, and was the creative madman behind the pro wrestling anthology book, "Working Stiff." We discuss his wrestling fandom as a child up to today, and the breaks in between. We ALL need a little #Wrestlecation sometimes! We talk about some of his experiences at live events over the years, up until present day. He goes over how much Colt Cabana's Art Of Wrestling inspired his return to being a fan, and how hearing Colt namedrop him and Working Stiff on Art Of Wrestling was such a special moment. And we talk about what Josh and Gimmick Press' next project will be. All that and more on an enjoyable Episode 55!Saturday (tomorrow) April 16th at the 2300 (ECW) Arena, is Collectorfest. It will be a convention for pro wrestling and comic book fans, and some of the guests include Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Bobby Heenan, Animal, The Blue Meanie, Cliff Compton, Abyss, Ricky Steamboat, Stan Hansen, and many more! And Creative Control