Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 58 Payback 2016 and Raw Review



It's a guest-less show, that's right, one hour and twenty five minutes of me just ranting and raving. Nah, actually, I am way more level headed than my Post Wrestlemania show, so if you enjoyed all that anger and cursing, there isn't as much here...but there's still some. This episode will go over Payback, all the matches and results. I go over Baron Corbin and the buffonery of having him job on the preshow, after winning the Andre Battle Royal. I talk about Dolph Ziggler's career, and where he could possibly go, and if WWE will ever give him a top chance again. I touch on Kalisto and Ryback's match, and Ryback's uncertain future with WWE. Enzo's injury during the #1 contender tag match is up next, and I go over various ideas behind how it happened. I touch on Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, what I'd like to see for them in the future, Zayn's dangerous suplex, and Owens and how WWE likely sees him today. I ponder the future of the IC title, and how Miz and Cesaro fit in. Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose is discussed