Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 68 with Homicide



It is Creative Control's second round with "The Notorious 187" Homicide! We cover some of the things we missed last time, but we immediately start by diving into the recent problems at TNA, and Homicide's take on them from someone who has worked for the company on and off for the past ten years. He explains at what point he believes the company began to start it's downward slide, and he also explains who his favorite bookers and agents were to work with at TNA. We step back in time to discuss "The Doghouse" a little bit, his favorite memories of that time period, and whether or not he sees himself training and running another school in the future. We talk about working with a young Jay Lethal in JAPW, and what his feelings were on Lethal at the time. We also cover working with and against Teddy Hart, including a highly regarded tag team cage match between Homicide & B-Boy vs. Teddy Hart and Jack Evans at the ECW Arena for JAPW. We get into the opportunities he had to work with Japanese legends such as Jus