Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 70 with Matt Riddle



Episode 70's guest is a former UFC fight, contestant on The Ultimate Fighter, and current pro wrestler tearing up EVOLVE and the indy scene, a Monster Factory product, Matt Riddle! Matt and I speak about his beginnings as a national wrestling champion in high school, to training MMA with the assistance of BJ Penn's book and a friend, to how he got into the Ultimate Fighter house and his memories from that time. Matt goes into his departure from UFC, and his time in MMA after that, as well as what led him to pro wrestling and The Monster Factory. We talk about his first few matches, including a submission match with Billy Damiana refereed by X-Pac! He talks abou wrestling tag matches with Punisher Martinez, and his thoughts on hardcore matches, like the one he had with Cliff Compton. From there, we get into his time at EVOLVE, how it began, and his thoughts on the crowd during his first few matches there. He talks about his experiences with opponents like Rhett Titus, Silas Young, Chris Dickinson, Clutch Adams