Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 72 with Jimmy Korderas



Episode 72 is with former WWE referee and author, Jimmy Korderas. Jimmy was with WWE from 1987 to 2009, which basically encompasses nearly all eras! We talk about his youth, attending shows at the Maple Leaf Gardens, and how selling photos of the wrestlers led him to the path of becoming a referee! He tells us about his "on the job training," and what it was like to work with guys like Hulk Hogan and Andre The Giant. We cover the rumors of Randy Savage and his overprotectiveness of his wife Elizabeth. We touch on Hogan passing the torch to The Ultimate Warrior, and how the locker room felt about it. I ask him about Ric Flair's arrival in 1991, and what his thoughts were on Ric's chances for success. We go over the first championship reign of Bret Hart, and how important he was to Canadians, which segue ways into the Montreal Screwjob, and what Korderas would've done in the same position as Earl Hebner. We also talk about The Undertaker, and his evolution over the years, and how Mankind's arrival helped Taker.