Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 77 with Al Snow



Episode 77 features for WWF European, Hardcore, and Tag Team Champion, and current TNA Producer, Mr. Al Snow! Al was kind enough to come on and spend an hour discussing his career and his views on the business. We talk about what initially drew him to pro wrestling, and his infamous tryout with Ole and Gene Anderson. From there, we cover his experiences on the indies, and with the NWA and ECW, including his thoughts on the incident where Shane Douglas threw down the NWA Championship, as well as his matches with Chris Benoit. We go over his time in SMW working for Jim Cornette, and working with Glenn "Kane" Jacobs, back when he was known as UniBomb, and feuding with the Rock N Roll Express. Al discusses the Shinobi and Avatar gimmicks, and wrestling on WWF television under those names, and also as Leif Cassidy. The end of the Cassidy gimmick comes up, and how that translated into his ECW run, before he discovered and utilized "Head." From there, we cover a plethora of topics, including working with Rob Van Dam