Creative Control With Joe Feeney

Episode 79 with Bill Apter



Episode 79 on Creative Control is with a true legend in the pro wrestling business, and that is the man at the helm of and the name behind the famous "Apter Mags," Mr. Bill Apter! Bill's book "Is Wrestling Fixed? I Didn't Know It Was Broken!" just recently turned a year old, and you can find it on Amazon! Bill's history in pro wrestling goes back to the late 60s/early 70s, so there is just a neverending plethora of questions I'd like to ask him, and we get to just a fraction of them here today. The topics include:- how he discovered pro wrestling and who his favorites were as a young man- how he first got involved, both as a photographer and as a journalist with Pro Wrestling Illustrated- meeting Andy Kaufman and introducing him to Jerry Lawler, as well as his thoughts on the movie "Man On The Moon."- his early experiences with the McMahons, and whether or not he thought Vince would truly take the WWF national and succeed- why promotions like the AWA couldn't keep up with the WWF and ultimately