Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Music Business ghost drumming. Being a ghost in the machine.



Music business ghost drumming occurred very often as well as a number of other session players that were paid to track parts, be silent and have another name credited on a song or album. Music Business ghost drumming. Being a ghost in the machine is the title of The FSG Messaging and Optics Podcast Wait What Really OK S6.E09.N112 hosted by Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman who was a former ghost drummer at one time. On a completely different level, these ghost players not only served to help the recording, but they also served to help the messaging, the brand and the optics of the band or artist. It took humility and it took honor. It is hard to have a whole bunch of people asking you to prove your work., For others, friends would play the guessing game. I would just stick with the, I can not confirm or deny and leave left it at that. There was also the nasty side of it. Walking in to a toxic zone where someone had been told they were not going to play on the track or album. Then you are the one s