Wait What Really Ok With Loren Weisman

Validation and vetting validity for those you want to hire.



So many claiming they know exactly what to do to make you successful and yet many of them have no clue themselves with little to no experience or authority. Many are selling exactly what people want to hear but are unable to deliver what they claim. Here are some core touch points to look and look out for. Validation and vetting validity for those you want to hire is the title of The FSG Messaging and Optics Podcast Wait What Really OK S6.E10.N113 hosted by Messaging and Optics Strategist Loren Weisman. Loren talks about some things to look for as well as what to look out for. In a time when so much of the life coaching, business coaching and so many of the so called experts have gone online and are out there saying they have all the answers for your business, it is sad to find that the majority have no place, no authenticity and no authority in their claims. This is not saying that list includes all of them by any means. However, this is a snake oil sales arena and many people are getting taken and taken adv