The Cari Murphy Show

Align to YOUR Highest Timeline with Light Language Transmissions from Velentaya Reece!



Receive Divine Light Transmissions to support your highest transformation in this new timeline for humanity! Learn more about this Ascension Timeline and the Personal Timelines you can select to optimize your experience! (choose opportunity and creativity timelines over scarcity, separation and fear timelines)Tune into the frequency of compassion, gratitude, and service to activate your DNA & Begin dedicating yourself to your CREATIVE EXPRESSIONLovingly release fear programs that resonate with the old paradigm as we integrate sacred light information from Source Tap into your unlimited potential to consciously create the reality you desireLearn tips to support and accelerate your ascension journey at this time of transition and change on our planetAttune to the powerful frequency of Divine Love as Galactic, Angelic, and other high dimensional guides speak, sign, sing, and tone Divine Light Languages through Velentaya Full recordings at and special offers at StraightTalkfortheS