The Cari Murphy Show

Discover YOUR Unique Blueprint, Holographic Design, Gifts & Shadows with Catherine Rosenbaum!



We are being called (as lightworkers, starseeds, and wayshowers) to create our own inner and outer sanctuaries in our homes to allow the new earth rainbow and freedom comes to flow through us in the silence, in the stillness, and in the solitude. Through simplifying our lives, becoming clear and discerning about our inner values and those we choose to include in our journeys as our soul families, we will emerge from this powerful transition as the brilliant new humans we came here to be. Allow the layers of shadows to collapse with ease and as you make the conscious daily decision to relax, breathe, open and receive.There are multitudes of angels, higher beings of light, cosmic collectives, and star nations available to assist each and every one of us navigate our way through these challenging times. Ask for help. Go within and listen. The answers will reveal themselves. Catherine is a wonderful intermediary for all of these beings and can assist you in realizing who you are, why you're here and what gifts a