The Cari Murphy Show

Your 5D Communication UPgrade -> Sovereign Expression, Divine Delivery & AbSOULute Transparency



Your 5D Communication UPgrade -> Sovereign Expression, Divine Delivery & AbSOULute Transparency Your Voice is the Transmitter and Receiver for Your Soul! Is your voice being utilized as an instrument of condemnation or celebration, separation or unification? Is it contributing to the cultivation of your consciousness or the collapsing of it? Is it allowing for growth and healing or is it perpetuating problems of the past? Is it causing you to be a prisoner of your past or a conscious crusader and pioneer of your future? Is it creating a loving world or a hostile world?We hold the power to consciously up-level our life experience with our voices and our choices. This impacts not only our personal ascension journey and evolution as a soul, it impacts the evolution of our planet and the progression of our collective consciousness. We are here to play an empowering role in the creation of new earth, yet we must choose to claim that role as a purposeful participant!This is an opportunity and in