Teacher Wellbeing

An early career teacher's story of health challenges and workplace bullying + my ongoing commitment to anti-racism



Support the podcast today via Pozible: https://www.pozible.com/project/teacher-wellbeing-podcast-season-6This is a longer episode, and it’s a really really fantastic teacher story. I also share my ongoing commitment to anti-racism work and unpacking my privilege as a teacher and a coach.There are just SO many learnings and I’m so grateful that Tina shared her story with us. Now, like many of my episodes this season, it was recorded before COVID so there’s no mention of that at all, but we do talk about people pleasing, boundaries, the challenges of moving away from your support networks for a job, and the challenges and opportunities of living and working in a small town. The two big themes from this episode are around having a safe workplace, and taking care of physiological needs, that bottom level of Maslow’s Hierarchy. So Tina shares her experience of being bullied at work, and how as an early career teacher she didn’t necessarily know that that wasn’t normal, and it was thanks to an older, wiser, more ex