"a Reagan Forum" Podcast

Don Brown and Amy Peacock



In this week’s “A Reagan Forum” we go back one week for our in-person event with Don Brown and Amy Peacock for their new book, Old Breed General: How Marine Corps General William H. Rupertus Broke the Back of the Japanese in WWII from Guadalcanal to Peleliu. We invited them to share their book with our audience as part of our programming surrounding our new special exhibition at the Reagan Library – the Secrets of WWII. Amy Peacock is actually one of the three granddaughters of General Rupertus and current keeper of the family archives. Don Brown is a former US Navy JAG officer and Special Assistant US Attorney. He’s written 14 other books, including The Last Fighter Pilot, which he came out to the Reagan Library for back in 2017. During today’s program, Amy and Don sat down in conversation with Reagan Foundation and Institute Chief Marketing Officer Melissa Giller to discuss Old Breed General, which is the biography of General Rupertus and the story of the Marines at war in the Pacific. As a side note, Marin