

Cash Flow Story is based on the successful financial storytelling techniques developed over the last 25 years by our founders Alan Miltz and Joss Milner. As qualified Chartered Accountants, both Alan and Joss continually found themselves trying to explain what the numbers meant to business owners & managers, advisors, and bankers. They found that most people rarely looked past the first chapter of their financial story; The Profit Story, leaving the rest of the financial story unread.After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant, Joss Milner spent the past 25 years working in the software industry. He Co-founded numerous IT companies that have provided software to the banking & finance, accounting, and general business sectors, with a user base of hundreds of thousands in multiple countries. Having held roles in product development, sales & marketing, operations and management his chosen field of expertise is creating new software businesses as well as mentoring IT start-ups.Partnering with entrepren