Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How Customer Stories can Increase your Sales W/ Brent Keltner



In this episode, I chat with Brent Keltner, CEO of Winalytics and author of “The Revenue Acceleration Playbook”, about how customer success stories and client testimonials can transform your sales process.Testimonial marketing is a powerful tool these days, given how noisy the world is. With such an overabundance of information on social media, we as customers have become very resistant to traditional marketing techniques.The traditional approach to marketing was very product-driven. But data shows that the old way is no longer yielding the same results that it used to. Instead, new techniques are needed that better resonate with customers.That’s where customer success stories and client testimonials come in.When we hear a statement, our brains are naturally wired to resist. But testimonial marketing is about getting around this impulse to resist. When you lead with stories about your peers, there's a shift from “you and me” to “we”. That change can make people more receptive.Another benefit of this type