Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

A Poor Start In Life Does Not Determine Your Future Success W/ Dov Baron



In today’s video, I’m joined by Dov Baron, the architect of Emotional Source Code, a best-selling author and an overall genius, as we discuss how self determination is one of the most critical success factors that can lead you to your future success.For many people, a strong start isn’t always possible. Whether it’s because of where you’re born, the time you were born, or other circumstances, many people find themselves in adverse situations at the beginning of their journey.Dov Baron was no different. He had a rough start to his life. He was brought up surrounded by crime, poverty, violence and abuse. He also later discovered that he had dyslexia, which made it hard for him to be in school. All obvious success factors just weren’t there, and made his future success seem like an impossible task for many.But he knew he was never going to reach his full potential and would just be wasting his time in this traditional school setting. So with self determination, he left school early at the age of 13 to pursue a d