Matrix Breakers

Finding Your Bliss: Breaking the Matrix by Experiencing Empowering & Rehabilitative Activities



The power of The Matrix is only possible through its various vectors of control. This control is the leverage it has over your life. Learning about the various vectors of control does help you break free from it because you can effectively form new frameworks that promote health, wealth, and well-being; Matrix Building. However, it’s also important to create opportunities for yourself to completely let go of both experiencing the negative effects from the matrix and working to rebuild those frameworks for a more positive outcome. Both of these experiences require your energy. Your energy is something you must place above all else in life because without it you are not capable of creating the reality you prefer to experience. Imagine being a completely regenerative being who maximizes effort by strategically implementing recovery and rehabilitation methods in practice. This is how our mind and body function optimally. There is much more on this subject that I’m not going to divulge into in this one article, bu