Wakanda Iv Ever

Wakanda IV Ever Episode 23- Storm and T'Challa



Listen to Sceritz and Tiffany on Episode 23 of Wakanda IV Ever as they discuss Black Panther #172 and the legacy of Black Panther and Storm's relationship. Content discussed: • Black Panther #172 • The Power of Women • Storm and T'Challa's history • Black Panther v4 #14, #15, and #18 • Storm hair problems • Storm’s hair is REAL • Tony Stark is a douche How do you feel about Black Panther and Storm's relationship? Asks us via wakandaivever@ivwall.net and we will read them on our next cast! Follow us on twitter @WakandaIVEver You can find Sceritz via ivwall.net and @IVWall on Twitter. You can find Tiffany as @Turnthebeatup on Twitter