Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Tuesday, April 4th, 2017



00:00 - Our former colleague Holly Bausman says she was pulled over and ticketed for turning right on a no-right-turn street during rush hour, even though she did so to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle. We speak to her, and take your calls. 38:23 - Winn$tock! It's the business community Battle of the Bands for charity. The 13th annual Winn$tock happens this Friday, April 7th at Cowboys. It provides funds to operate and subsidize the Conductive Education rehabilitation centres at The Movement Centre of Manitoba. Our guests are Margy Nelson from The Movement Centre, and Allan Jacks from Knowledge Bureau. 56:04 - Winnipeg Police response to the Holly Bausman traffic ticket situation 58:49 - Our monthly visit with the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba. Our guest is Griffin Jenkins with the Mood Disorders of Manitoba -- Griffin is responsible for MDAM's education and youth programming, and has recently been appointed to the Youth Advisory Committee for the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Grif