Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Thursday, April 20th, 2017



00:00 - WAS I WRONG TO DO WHAT I DID? Brett here -- I dropped my car off today at a large retailer so they could do some work on it. I was in the store for two minutes. Yes, they had a big sign that said all bags must be checked, but I didn't bother because I walked in, handed in my key, and walked out. As I was leaving, a clerk asked to inspect my bag. I was insulted, and said no. Was I wrong? Should I have just let him check the stupid bag? 37:08 - Hailey Kostynuik, local powerlifting champion who will represent Canada at the World Championships in Belarus, but she needs your help to get there! She is just over halfway to her fundraising goal. She took the silver last year, let's help her take the gold this year! 53:41 - Carolyn Klassen, therapist with Conexus Counselling -- When I go for walks, I tend to walk fast, and I'm a big guy. I often give people a wide berth so as not to startle them or intimidate them. Am I being hypersensitive? That leads to a discussion about how we are perceived to society, a