Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Monday, April 24th, 2017



00:00 - It was amusing watching the weekend snow situation unfold on Facebook. First, the never-ending swath of posts about snow. Then, posts complaining about all the snow posts. Then, posts complaining about the posts complaining about the snow posts. 17:44 - Are phone calls too expensive for inmates? We're joined by Ted Mariash, a criminal defence lawyer in Manitoba 37:01 - The French election -- two candidates left, will compete in a run-off on May 7th. We're joined by Irene Chassaing, who was born in France. She is an assistant professor of French and French Canadian Literature at the University of Manitoba 49:13 - Greg watched War Games on Saturday. The technology which seemed ground breaking at the time can all be done now on your phone. However, despite how dated the tech is, the movie remains timely. 54:47 - Youth United@Winnipeg begins next week at the University of Winnipeg. The 15-week course looks to break barriers and build bridges in the spirit of reconciliation. We're joined by Dr. Shauna