Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - Monday, May 15th, 2017 - CHIN UP, T**S OUT



00:00 - GOOSE ADVENTURES -- Hi there, it's Brett. I hit a goose with a golf ball on the driving range on Sunday. Not in the air, sitting on the ground. I hit a terrible shot and drilled the poor thing. It's ok though. Earlier Sunday, I had to slow my car down while a goose lazily crossed the road, and it hissed at me when I honked my horn. IT HISSED AT ME AND MY CAR. Have you had any goose adventures this year? 33:08 - I had a weird dream on Friday where I saw a guy I used to work with. Haven't seen him or talked to him in years. Saturday morning, walk into Polo Park, he's the first person I see. WHAT THE... 36:45 - Fire at the old Merchants Hotel as it's being converted into affordable housing and an education complex -- Dawn Sands, Executive Director of North End Community Renewal Corporation 54:20 - "CHIN UP, T**S OUT!" -- Miranda Oh is a Winnipeg author who tells us about her second book in the 'Chip Up' series, and how that mantra has helped her conquer some major challenges in her life 72:37 - First