Hal Anderson

Mackling & Megarry - with guest host Tristan Field-Jones - Friday, May 19th, 2017



  00:00 - TICKS! - Hikers pick up 400 ticks on Mantario Trail earlier this week. Are you concerned? 28:04 - Dr. Harold Katz, internationally recognized bad breath expert -- DO NOT BBQ YOUR BREATH -- Dr. Katz reveals the five worst BBQ foods for your breath, and the five vital tips and foods to prevent bad bbq breath 37:22 - Mike Dover, author of "Dante's Infinite Monkeys: Technology Meets the 7 Deadly Sins", an exploration of the dark side of today's technology. Dover is a business professor, and co-author of Wikibrands. 56:45 - Dr. Syras! Psychologist with Dr. Syras Derksen & Associates, website DrSyras.com -- Are Therapists Just Rent-A-Friends? A lot of people doubt that therapy works. Are they right? 75:31 - Tristan is a Star Trek fan, but he is bored by the first trailer for the new CBS series Star Trek: Discovery 83:44 - Unraveling the Wilburys ticket giveaway 88:39 - Hal Anderson tees up his weekend show, AND his show Friday night filling in for Charles Adler. 97:03 - Richard Cloutier & Julie Bu