Kol Ramah

Parsha Talk Matot - Masei 5782 - 2022



Parsha Talk : with rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. Beginning with the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz, this year marked on the 18th of Tammuz [July 17] because we do not do this type of fast on Shabbat, the Jewish community begins the the 3 Weeks of Punishment or Admonition, which culminate with the observance of the Fast of Tisha B’Av , this year observed on the 10th of Av [August 7], commemorating the destruction of the two temples, among other disasters which befell the Jewish community. Unlike most haftarot [the prophetic readings which follow the Shabbat and Holiday Torah Readings], the haftarot beginning with the Shabbat after the Fast of the 17th of Tammuz are anchored in a particular conception of Jewish history. The three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av feature haftarot from the first 2 chapters of Jeremiah and the first chapter of Isaiah. Shabbat Nachamu, the Sabbath of Comfort or Consolation, which is the first Shabbat after Tisha B’Av features a haftarah