Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Creating Conversations that Convert W/ Kate DiLeo



In this episode, I talk to Kate DiLeo about how to create meaningful conversations so you can truly engage with customers, and have better ways to take people through your customer journey so you can reach a level of customer engagement that actually converts.It all comes down to the types of conversations you’re having. If you’re simply throwing information at people, then they won’t want to engage. But when you speak to them and develop a connection through your brand message, you’ll be able to better convert your traffic.What made us predisposed to generic, megaphone marketing in the first place?For one thing, there’s sales funnels. These allow marketers to offer multiple ways of purchasing, and hit audiences with multiple offers. But this involves an overwhelming amount of information which doesn’t really help us engage with customers.Then there's "Story Brand". This is about making the customer the center of your story. The problem is that many of us took that idea, and ended up writing pa