Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Erin and Hayley Evans



Erin & Hayley Evans are two of the most inspiring people you will ever meet. After the death of their parents and Hayley overcoming addiction, they prove that you can overcome anything and help others in the process.     Erin left the comforts of home to chase her dreams in the big city of New York, where she received a degree in fashion merchandising from the Fashion Institute of Technology. Encouraged by friends to write about how she coped with the most traumatic time of her life, she penned her family’s memoirs as a salve for others who are simultaneously battling a terminal illness and addiction.    Hayley has been through more than any person should have to go through. She had a severe addiction to Heroin and Meth and a battle with body dysmorphic disorder. She now has turned all of that pain into purpose! Hayley believes that she went through all of this for a reason – to give back and help others. She has found her worth and purpose and now wants to share it with the world.    If you are looking f