Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How to get better results from remote working? W/ Owen McGab Enaohwo



It's been two years into the pandemic, and many companies are now working remotely. Some have found it to be an easy transition but others found difficulties adjusting their business processes.Today, I talk to Owen McGab Enaohwo, CEO and co-founder of SweetProcess, about how documenting processes can help get better results from this new work setup that a lot of us have adopted, and the process solutions that can help companies thrive in this new normal.There’s no doubt about it: the COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we work – possibly FOREVER. Remote working is one of the best and worst things to have come out of the pandemic, depending on how you look at it. Many people are split when it comes to the subject of remote working. Some find it bad for productivity and mental health, while others find it an efficient use of time and resources.But for those who don’t believe in remote working, could the real issue just be an inability to command and control their workforces? And for those who do, what proces