Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

EPISODE 435 Books You Can Read in One Day to Change Your Life



Dr. Bray takes a time-out this week to share some of his favorite summer reads with you. The first category he discusses books you can read in a day that will change your life. Short, quick reads that will have you thinking differently within a day. (For my audiobook friends, you will get just as much out of listening to these books as reading them, so add them to your playlist.) The second list is behavioral psychology books, so if you want to geek out and read up on some human behavior, here are the books Dr. Bray recommends. Enjoy your summer and be sure and read or listen to at least one book a month. Your brain loves it! Books You Can Read In A Day The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho As A Man Thinketh by James Allen A Better Way to Live by Og Mandino Ikigai by Francesc MIralles Game People Play by Eric Berne Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy The Defining Decade: Why 20’s Matter by Meg Jay Any book by Seth Godin. Behavioral Psychology Books From Strength to Strength by Arth