The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

The 2nd take on NZ 2010: - Democracy, Governance and Sovereignty at Risk?



As the pace of life gets faster and faster and days appear to rapidly recede behind us, NZers appear  to be like possums at night time staggering in the middle of the road mesmerized and caught in the glare of headlights of a fast coming vehicle, not knowing what is happening and therefore not appearing to take any action.Will the possums wake up in time and do the correct thing by taking action to control their own future, ... or ...?Plus, what is the table talk at cafes, restaurants, bars and lunch times around NZ? Is the populace happy and even ecstatic with how we the people are governing ourselves? (Yes or No?) That in fact the talk of both town and country people is that there is nothing at all to be concerned about, with our Democracy, Governance and Sovereignty?  That we can safely leave everything in the hands of the Act Party who in this escalating drama of tension, play the bad cop in the National Party scenario of being the good cop?Listen to young independent voices talk about the need to be exce