The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

John Stansfield of Oxfam NZ & GROW - Growing Food for a Billion People - a NEW Global Initiative



Is famine coming our way, as food prices continue climbing at the same time as fuel prices? Are we entering a increasingly insecure world? Realising that a billion people, a very large part of the global family here on earth are going to bed hungry, Oxfam in around 40 countries, has initiated a giant global campaign called GROW which is an intelligent response to the hunger that people are suffering from at this very moment.Where recently hunger has been declining, it has since 2008 risen dramatically, where in 23 countries there have been food riots and major protests in 61.This is coming at a time of Peak oil, but Peak Agricultural Land Use was reached in around 1999 to 2001 and has been in actual decline ever since.This is a critical issue that deserves serious attention, attention in the world already in the grip of multiple, economic, environmental and societal challenges. Note that the average NZ family spends 16% of its income on food, whilst in the developing world 50% of a families income is spent on