The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Murray Horton ~ Spokesman for the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA)



Transnational Corporations are moving in to NZ where once they were only multi national corporations.  The percentage of incursion into NZ is virtually the highest of any developed country on earth. They are dominating our country more and more as the laws of NZ are very laissez-faire and liberal, buying into established businesses that NZers have built and also buying up our land and housing as well. Generally it is open slather with very few exceptions. THe TPPA is a wolf in sheeps clothing and when you peruse: you will get the picture. Big Time.Free trade agreements are actual investment agreements to provide the means for trans national corporations to acquire more power, profit, control and riches and wealth under the guise of Free Trade ...  NZ is being recolonised by Corporations.In NZ the banks are creaming it. Not one is suffering at present ANZ, with record profits same for Westpac.Subjects Covered:Corporate Welfare here in NZ,  namely Rio Tinto (the old Comalco) ea