The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tom Brown: Is the Universe conscious? Yes! We are not a cosmic fluke - yet the only magic that science believes in - is the Big Bang



Tom talks of the possibility of utopia, the harmonising and reconnecting with nature and where people are kind to each other - and that systems are put in place to ensure that human rights are upheld. (Listen to Tom’s enlivened description of this process). Matter and Consciousness We open up with this quote below. In 1957 an unheralded Nobel Prize experiment at the Brookhaven Research Laboratories in the US - took place.This had TD Lee and CN Yang win the award for physics, for showing that "cobalt in its observed radioactivity could tell the difference between its future and its past and utilises this fact in making a spatial distinction between its right from its left"  - “It is able to choose what direction it takes!” That we have not heard of this is because the invisible and hidden is not seen as an urgent area of exploration - even in today’s scientific world. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its exist