The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Nigel Gray: Biosphere Weather Wars, Geo-engineering and Frequency Wars. Are they really happening?



Weather forecasters and meteorological services are equally puzzled and in many ways shrug this off to 'climate change' and the increase of greenhouse gasses. Yet, some argue - this is an easy way out. However, more astute researchers, albeit some amateurs among them are noticing many irregularities and are finding certain weather patterns incongruent with normal meteorological ones.   Global weather systems are definitely changing, but so is the geophysical realm as well. In this interview Nigel informs about some of the variables that seem to stand out as being very irregular. He also talks about his prediction regarding the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake in the South Island of New Zealand. Based around a supermoon and various weather patterns and ‘anomalies' that could not be explained and he tells how when he went to the NZ Met service to share his insights that they, in his words 'mocked him' when he tells them of his research . He uses the example of boom box stereo in cars – you know - boooom booom boombth b