The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Kosha Joubert: Living together in intentional communities on a planetary scale is rapidly gaining momentum - globally



Thousands of people today are opting to live with an intention to work and play together in establishing a high quality yet low impact lifestyle. Nested Communities Blending nature and architecture into one’s daily living, opens a new vista of possibility for both creativity and group dynamics. To welcome birdsong outside our window every morning, to look upon lush fragrant flower gardens, shrubs and trees. Whilst the hum of singing and children’s hushed yet focussed activities - garnishes collaboration and goodwill - as we are again re-envision what it is like to be human and learn as to how people can live together in co-creative harmony.      As we realise the speed and noise of city life is impacting our world, with megacities overwhelming us with their raw and yawning sprawling footprint - the Global Ecovillage Network is springing up like quintessential life force nodal points - all around the curvature of our home planet - taking us into the next evolutionary spiral of an awakening earth, nested in a r