The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Will Wilkinson: You can bring peace on earth, in one minute a day. Join the Noon Club.



This easy going, insightful interview of Will, elicits a feeling of knowing that throughout his life experience he has covered, 'both the map and the territory' and having published his remarkable book 'Now or Never' reminds one of Buckminster Fuller - that Will is committed to being a ‘catalytic educator and membrane extender.’ So having evolved out of the flower power generation of the 1960's  I ask Will about the town he lives in - Ashland in Oregon that has a general population of about 22,000 people.  A Conscious Community Oriented City. The reason why Will ended up in Ashland was that 17 years ago he was sitting in a hot tub at the local YMCA and overheard a conversation between some others 'soaking up' that was expanding on quantum physics. He said he learnt so much about the nature of reality in that short 10 minutes he said to himself - this is the town for me.  He says that there are so many people there who are immersed in the study of consciousness - and the network of 'conscious' people never cea