The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Scott Macindoe: World leading NZ Quota Management System fails both our fisheries and our people


Sinopsis For decades he through his superb communication skills has brought together many local and seaside people across NZ to organise and come together - including Maori (mana whenua) - to advocate and campaign to ‘our' NZ government and the fishing industry for a more fairer deal for all people who love to fish. This has in many ways become a battle for the soul of New Zealand’s vast fisheries.  The Supportive Players NZ Angling and Casting Association NZ Underwater Association Yachting NZPlus many other clubs that are not affiliated to the sport fishing council - likeThe Outboard Boating Club of Auckland.  Since the time of Maori and over the last 250 years with the coming of the European the ability to catch fish off the seashore or in a small boat and bring home food for the family to eat and surplus for neighbours was just a standard neighbourly thing to do. But, Scott says that 'sharing of ones catch is a primary source of self esteem and self worth.' Saying that this has an important