The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Roy Harlow: The Multi Tiered Disinformation Narrative that is Assaulting Our Planet & People



We consider the Government, the authorities and the schools to be sources of information … and it is very upsetting for people to learn that it is disinformation. So everybody has to now take stock and ask themselves “what do I believe?” As today, across the English speaking world we are the moving target of an unremitting onslaught from global media. The majority coming out of the six US main corporate conglomerates with the British BBC carrying on the offensive, from the other side of the Atlantic. Feeding this out into the commonwealth of nations, from basically the same hyped up song sheet of fear, fraud and semi truths. It is becoming difficult to discern what truth is and what fiction is. In this interview, Roy says that one of the things that he can point to universally is that during the Covid lockdown people had the opportunity to reflect on life and that is “how am I spending my time?” What are my priorities and what do I really value and he says that on an individual level that this is a good thing