The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Heather Meri Pennycook & Rob Wilson: Why are Agenda21, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset not debated?


Sinopsis - the Agriculture Action Group has been founded across New Zealand to push back and question Government intrusion, especially when it has not been announced in the Governments manifestos. This is all about the lack of consultation and enforced regulations and fees at a localised level - via NZ Councils on how we use our land.  These requirements are now being foisted on an unsuspecting NZ public. This has all been arranged and 'agreed upon’ with the United Nations and is known as   Agenda21 & Agenda 2030. In addition to the above is the inclusion from Davos in Switzerland, of the World Economic Forum’s  'Great Reset’   'Where we are told 'that by 2030 we will own nothing and we'll all be happy!' That together these two models are going to be superimposed over all nations that will lead to the long planned for NEW WORLD ORDER. These words were uttered by US President George Herbert Bush when he first mentioned them back in September, 1990.   Now, today, there is an urgent need to ask, why are th