The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Meg Osborn: The issue of 'Personal Sovereignty' when we find out all NZer's are Corporate subjects of the City of London



This interview of Meg’s has in turn brought her into focusing on Constitutional Lawful Processes.  That she says is the baby of the movement - in that we are just realising that we have been had. That this is all new to us. It’s like we have finally pulled back the curtain and found out that we have been manipulated for all this time. All of us - though the Establishment will never admit it, nor will the politicians that run this country  They are just not aware that they too are a chattels of the City of London - this is what we are all finding out.  As I said … we have been had and this is just another example of why the world is in such an inharmonious mess.  Because at heart we can not understand why we the people, have virtually no say - whilst banks create money out of thin air by adding extra zeros whilst at the same time they and Wall St for example are riding high on the hog on bloated salaries, share offerings and socialised losses. This is why people from all walks of life are saying enough.  20,00